Monday, 1 September 2008

Sky Star 2 Offline Download

You can skip this section if you want to go straight to business and start grabing data. To understand data grabing you must know how satellite communication works. To send data to satellite which can be any data we use Uplink Station which are located on the earth. The satellite in the Sky receives the data and then it retransmits it to the earth. This works perfectly for Video channels. But the uplink can contain any kind of data so why not use it for internet. But it works a bit differently than conventional internet where you send and receive data on the same line. In satellite internet you uplink data through your local internet (Dial-UP, ISDN,ADSL) and get the downstream from satellite. Why this complicated procedure why not use Uplink and Downlink from the satellite. Well uplink to satellite requires expensive equipment so every one cant afford such uplink hardware therefore we use the local uplink and then get the data through satellite.

a) Computer with a PC-DVB card installed.
b) Dish pointed towards a satellite which contains data channels.
c) File Grabbing software (eg. FileGraber,Skynet,Mana etc)
We will be using FileGraber which is a Module for ProgDVB and is very easy to setup.

Installing FileGraber
and then continue.
Go to and get the FileGraber Module or Download it Extract the content of the zip file and paste it into your ProgDVB Modules folder. If you installed ProgDVB in C: drive then the path will be "c:\ProgDVB\Modules\". The zip file contains two modules "FileGraber" and "PidScanner". You must have both of them in the modules folder as shown below.

Scanning Channels
Just scan the satellite which contain the data channels. After Scanning you should see some channels with a green flopy icon in front of them. These are data channels and contain data. If you click on them then nothing will happen you wont see any video.

Scaning PID s

Click on a data channel.
Now click "Services"
and click Data PidScanner

Now click scan and wait for a moment. After the scan is complete. Note down all the pids and click close.

Configuring FileGraber

Click Services and click FileGraber
Click New
Enter a name for your service (any name)
Now enter all the pids that you noted down separating them with a comma " , "
click ok

Now click Options

Create a folder in any drive of you choice where you have alot of space.
then create three folder named "Work", "Bad" and "Out" inside that folder and enter its path in the options
click OK

Now from the Services Select the Name you created and then Click Start

Data Grabbing should start now.

You can also Configure what files to download by going to the filter.
Check all the files that you want to download.


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